
หน้าหลัก | สุขภาพดี | สุภาพสตรี | การแปลผลเลือด | โรคต่างๆ | วัคซีน



Two Parts:Making a Basic Stir Fry DishMaking a Full Stir Fry MealQuestions and Answers

Stir fry (sometimes hyphenated as "stir-fy") is a Chinese cooking style dating back over 1500 years[1] that involves the quick, high-heat cooking of meat and/or vegetables in oil using a smooth metal pan or bowl (traditionally, a wok). In recent years, the popularity of stir fry has spread across the globe due to its quickness, ease, and delicious results. See Step 1 below to start adding this easy, fun technique to your repertoire!

Part 1 of 2: Making a Basic Stir Fry Dish

Part 2 of 2: Making a Full Stir Fry Meal

Questions and Answers

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Learn how to stir up a delicious and quick meal, using just about any ingredients.
